

Frequently asked questions

Answer to your burning questions

Q What type of background check is performed on your security guards?

We recommend that you use the airport taxi in case of a pick up or drop off from/to airport. However, please note that these taxis cannot be rented/hired by you on an hourly basis.

Q What type of training do your security guards receive?

We recommend that you use the airport taxi in case of a pick up or drop off from/to airport. However, please note that these taxis cannot be rented/hired by you on an hourly basis.

Q Are your security officers supervised?

We recommend that you use the airport taxi in case of a pick up or drop off from/to airport. However, please note that these taxis cannot be rented/hired by you on an hourly basis.

Q What are the 3 security services for controlling access?

We recommend that you use the airport taxi in case of a pick up or drop off from/to airport. However, please note that these taxis cannot be rented/hired by you on an hourly basis.

Q What kind of arms do these security officers carry?

We recommend that you use the airport taxi in case of a pick up or drop off from/to airport. However, please note that these taxis cannot be rented/hired by you on an hourly basis.

Q What is the difference between a personal security officer and a bouncer ?

We recommend that you use the airport taxi in case of a pick up or drop off from/to airport. However, please note that these taxis cannot be rented/hired by you on an hourly basis.

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